SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

3.8.0 - Compilation - Discogs search

When compilation is checked, Jaikoz search every track on discogs, not whole album. Album on discogs doesnt exist. Ill expect dont fill discogs field

The important thing here is that the album is not on Discogs, not that it is a Compilation. Jaikoz will try and match groups of songs to albums first of all, but if it finds no match it will then try and find suitable match at track level rather than find nothing at all.

It sounds like you would like a ‘Only match whole albums’ option ?

Not at all. Ill prefer nothing. I want to know what isnt in mb database and ill complete it.

Would be fine to add. I have complete albums rather than single tracks

I’m slightly confused you talk about what in the mb database, but your running the Discogs Match.

I probably will add the ‘Only Match Whole Albums’ , but be aware even if you only have whole albums its not always possible to match your set of songs that comprise a whole album to a whole album because of differences in the metadata of your songs and Musicbrainz, the track level matching can be useful for matching missing tracks from the album because it does the matching in a different way.

Dont be :slight_smile:
If no record about discogs release URL found in musicbrainz, then jaikoz try to determine it. If record exist its fetched from MB directly and dont need to be guessed.

Sounds like you are running Autocorrecter with default tasks which includes:

Correct from Musicbrainz
Correct from Discogs
Correct Lyrics

if you don’t want to Correct by Discogs (except for when there is a link from Musicbrainz to Discogs) just remove the Correct from Discogs task from Preferences : Manipulator : AutoCorrecter :Autocorrecter Tasks

Yes Paul, im using AC. But i want to fill WHOLE right album, not only fragments. Should be possible to add this feature optional ?

Lets users decide what they want.

Lets users decide what they want.[/quote]

Yes its one of he guiding principles of Jaikoz :slight_smile:

But you are still confusing me with this mb.discogs discussion. Please reiterate exactly what you want with a bit more explanation because Im not clear.

Simply : Fill discogs url if 100% match to discogs release, or dont touch this fields

More complicated: I want to fill discogs url in Jaikoz if perfectly match. If not, i know its not paired in musicbrainz ( Relate to URL > has Discogs page at … ) Then i ll go to discogs and correct it into musicbrainz. When something is filled into fields im not able to see clearly and at first look. Then im ignoring it to fill discogs urls to MB.

Sorry, im not english speaking person :slight_smile:

Ok so you only want a link to a discogs release, if the discogs release is a perfect match to the Musicbrainz release. so you are saying you want Jaikoz to find Musicbrainz releases for a list of songs, find a Discogs Release for the same set of Songs, and then only populate the Discogs field if the matching release matches perfectly with the Musicbrainz Release.

I can see some merit in this but I think this would be only of interest to Musicbrainz Afficiandos, It isnt really what Autocorrect from Discogs does at the moment, its independent from Musicbrainz. In fact one of the main reasons for using Autocorrect from Disocgs is to match to releases which are not on Musicbrainz.

But you could do what you want in a couple of steps, how about working this way:

Run Autocorrect From Musicbrainz only, this fixes your songs from Musicbrainz and if Musicbrainz release contains a link to Discogs it will also fill in the Discogs Release Url field, and any additional info found in the Discogs releases. This will give you your perfect matches (unless the Msuicbrainz db is incorrect)

Then review and save your changes.

Now Run Autocorrect from Discogs and review the changes , if Jaikoz has linked to a Discogs release that you agree is correct you can save the change and go to the Musicbrainz Server and create a link to this Discogs release. If the match is not good revert the changes, and create the missing release in Discogs, then link to it from Musicbrainz.

How does that sound ?

You can also use ‘Match Songs to One Discogs Release’ , working one album at a time.

Sorry for stupid questin, but where is this option ?

I can see only Remote correct > Match > Prefer do not match to Various / Single artist

Its not an option, but a seperate task.
Action/Match to Release/Match to One Discogs Release

Ive thought about this a bit and I suppose I could add another task called

‘Autocorrect Correct Metadata from Discogs only if Match from Musicbrainz’

or add an Autocorrect From Discogs option

‘Only find matches for Musicbrainz matched songs’

which would only attempt to match songs if they already had a Musicbrainz id, and would update the song if it could find a match which matched on release, artist, title, trackno and country.

Ive now added the option as I understand you wanted it in Beta 2, also added the ‘Match songs to full releases only’ option which might be helpful, so please give them a go.

I’ll have to try these options out. I was pulling my hair out trying to deal with the default behaviors. In particular; I’m trying to get accurate tagging to use with Squeezebox Server. Even when Musicbrainz release ID is set it still considered two songs to be from different albums if their DiscNo/DiscTotal tags don’t match. So 1/1 is not the same ablum as unset/unset. This seems a bit picky but reasonable if tagging is correct.

I was getting releases where some tracks had different values for the DiscNo/DiscTotal fields even though they all matched a single Musicbrainz release. It took me a while to figure out that automatic Discogs matching created this situation when some tracks match to Discogs and others don’t (because Discogs did not have a release that matched exactly to the newer Musicbrainz release).

It looks like these additional options will give me the finer control I need to avoid this mess.

On a separate note I’m not sure that I totally understand Jaikoz’s behavior in terms of the DiscNo/DiscTotal field. Why fill it in all the time for Discogs but generally leave it blank for one-disc releases from Musicbrainz? It would seem reasonable to always fill it in an avoid ambiguity. Or maybe the behavior is more complicated that I just stated and depends on more details of the MB/Discogs metadata?

BTW I’m using 3.8.3 but posted here since this thread directly addressed the features I’m looking at.
