Couple of observations.
- read settings from previous installation if exists
- for each installation, it shows the choice “Norwegian” as selected, not the choice for my existing installation (this “translatian” seems to have been done by an automatic translator by the way, and worth it be not have more but less makes it so)
- all choices for manipulators are overwritten with jaikoz defaults
searching in offline help doesn’t work
default choices for jaikoz manipulators seems to be weird and the documentation is less than clarifying
- what is the difference between local correct and correct
- which tasks can run file by file
- what does cluster albums do (please update the documentation at to reflect what “groups them by artist and album and tries to reduce the number of release ids the tracks are spread over” actually means to the user and why he would want to chose this)
- in what order should manipulators be chosen, so that running task 1-5 and task 3-7 and task 9-10000 actually makes sense or conveys any meaning to the user
- can’t run more than one instance of jaikoz at a time