SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

3.2 update issues

  1. I just posted in “Question” section about error in files - the thread started there but forgot to attach a file. Files play fine in iTunes, VLC, etc. The same files checked with Jaikoz 3.1 did not return any errors.
  2. Version 3.2 doesn’t highlight any fields: changed, empty, marked for deletion, etc.
  1. If you think its a 3.2 problem, please send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) so I can take a look, if you could send one of the problem files as well that would be great.

  2. This is an option that is turned off by default in Jaikoz for OSX, you can re-enable it from Preferences/Table/Synchronisation/Highlight Changes in Different COlour

HI, fixed now in Jaikoz 3.2.1

Great response! Thanks!