SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

3.2.2: "Unable to save some files, these have been left with status of changed"

I use version 9.2.2 and iTunes for Windows.
I ran about 9000 files through Jaikoz. I then tried to save the files and got an enormous “Unable to save some files, these have been left with status of changed” dialog box-- so big that it hangs off the bottom of the screen and the “OK” button cannot be accessed (there are no scroll bars or anything to resize the window).

The text of the dialog box begins with:
There was a problem changing some files,these have been left with status of changed

Record Number 6 with filename E:\Itunes Music\Owl City\Fireflies - Single of the Week\Jucd75 8 Vulpius.mp3 cannot be saved, it does not seem to exist has it been moved by an external application?
Record Number 21 with filename E:\Itunes Music\Owl City\Fireflies - Single of the Week\Five Little Renaissance Dances.mp3 cannot be saved, it does not seem to exist has it been moved by an external application?
Record Number 23 with filename E:\Itunes Music\Owl City\Fireflies - Single of the Week\Flamenco (Mozart).mp3 cannot be saved, it does not seem to exist has it been moved by an external application?
and so on, probably for hundreds of lines. Every entry that I can see in the dialog box (as I said, it hangs off the bottom of the screen) starts with E:\Itunes Music\Owl City\Fireflies - Single of the Week\

Hitting “Enter” to try to activate the invisible “OK” button doesn’t do anything; neither does clicking the “X” in the top right corner of the window. I am going to have to force Jaikoz to quit through the task manager.

More weirdness: iTunes created a “Jaikoz:2009-08-25 07:06” playlist when I ran these 9000 songs through Jaikoz, but when I view the playlist it consists of only one track: you guessed it, Fireflies from the “Ocean Eyes” album by Owl City (which, for what it’s worth, has a pathname of E:\Itunes Music\Owl City\Ocean Eyes\09 Fireflies.m4a"

Logs would be useful (Advanced/Create Support Files) , you can see trhe complete list of messages by clicking on the console tab at the bottom of Jaikoz.

The first question is does the file

E:\Itunes Music\Owl City\Fireflies - Single of the Week\Jucd75 8 Vulpius.mp3

exist , or has it been moved somewhere else.

Was this the first time you had saved the files in Jaioz, because if you had already made some changes and then saved changes, and the files were under iTunes control then iTunes may have moved the files to a different location.

I have the exact same issues (two issues actually - one is the missing files, other is the non-dismissable dialog). Just sent you my log files and a screenshot.

I checked the first file on my “missing or renamed” file list and it seems to exist, but it is a foreign title - I suspect that may be the cause:
“28 - [anonymous] - Montpellier Codex- Ja n’amerai autre que cele - In seculum, Mo 3(1).mp3” is the actual file name on disc. The tag title is:
“Montpellier Codex: Ja N’amerai Autre Que Cele / in Seculum, Mo 3”

I am wondering whether, after a musicbrainz tag update, there are characters in tags that, when attempted to save to the drive, are changed by Windows as invalid filename characters? I have seen such a problem before in another application. It would be simple to fix if so - just add an option to check the file name after a save to make sure it has been saved correctly, and generate a log exception if not.

On my system, iTunes was not running, nor was any other music or disk scanner. Only thing I can think of is maybe the virus scanner?


I have found two more interesting (scary) facts applicable to my situation at least:

(1) At least some of the files in my situation are now INVALID on the hard drive… If I try to play them, or even edit the music tags in windows, I get a file does not exist error in Windows!! even though I can see the file, right click on it, and view its properties!! I can even move the file, but any attempt to modify it is met with an error. I have found a dozen files so far with this issue. Some kind of corruption obviously. Ugh.

(2) Interestingly, of the approximately 6000 files affected by the Jaikoz error in saving, all of the ones on the first page have a parenthetical in them indicating a possible dupe file (e.g., “song 1 (3).mp3”

I seem to be having a similar problem. I was tidying up some tags, and noticed that while in view audio, after doing a save the bitrate and encoder got corrupt on some of the files. I one example I got a -1000(vbr).

Even strange is when I import them into itunes they look correct.

noticed this in the console:

07/09/2009 11:44:38\t[0x0-0x308308].com.jthink.jaikoz[9436]\t07/09/2009 11.44.38:com.jthink.jaikoz.monitoring.MemoryManager:addMemoryNotification:WARNING: Low memory limit is set for:CMS Old Gen:329108684

07/09/2009 11:43:33\t[0x0-0x308308].com.jthink.jaikoz[9436]\t07/09/2009 11.43.33:org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.ID3v23Frame:read:WARNING: 13 If I Needed Someone.mp3:No space to find another frame:

Looks like some kind of pyschical disc errorone of these files is completely corrupt in a very wierd way, throughout the whole file it stores 4 bytes of data then 4 zeroed bytes, stores 4 bytes of data then 4 zeroed bytes …

Yes, so Jaikoz finds an existing file but doesnt recognise it as the file it is trying to save, maybe there is some Unicode /Filsystem bug.

[quote=parabolist]I seem to be having a similar problem …
Even strange is when I import them into itunes they look correct.
This is not related, and these warnings in the console are quiite normal. What is actually not working (in a different forum thread please)

These problems now fixed in Jaikoz 3.3.0


on 3.3.0, same error message : “There was a problem changing some files,these have been left with status of changed”

and then:

Sep 16, 2009 1:35:49 PM: SEVERE: Unable to save record 0 with filename Yelle-Pop-up-08-Je veux te voir.mp3 because of the following error: ScanDir is null

How can I fix it, please ? :mrgreen:


Sorry there was a bug in 3.3.0 when you have Jaikoz setup to update iTunes after saving files. Iv just uploaded version 3.3.1 seconds ago, please try and confirm this works for you.

Unable to unzip the file, archive is incomplete !

For Info, my system is Mac Os 10.4.11, Itunes 9.0, if it can help…

Please try again, there was a corupption , now fixed.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Thanks & bravo for your job !!!

Let’s tag !

It’s me again, sorry…

Seems to be a problem with the trial version and the 20 files allowed to be save. the message appear before you have 20 files…

Seems okay, the twenty file limit applies to the whole session.