SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

2 questions, one major, one minor

The major question:
I recently had a system glitch that somehow renamed much of my music files, ie if you select a tom petty tune, with tags showing petty, a bing crosby tune plays. i was hoping jaikox would rename and retag the files correctly via the audio fingerpirnt. I think i got it to access the web as it gave me an activity bar and said it had looked up and corrected the 5 test files i gave it. But it didn’t look like it did anything: merged and edit screens were unchanged, and the files exhibited the same problem. Don’t know what to try. IS there something i should look for to be sure that it’s checking the audio data base? Some switch? HELP!

Minor question: I told Jaikoz to fill the screen and now i can’t shrink the window? Is this a bug?


In the current version when Jaikoz says it had looked up and corrected the 5 test files it means that it looked up the 5 files, it doesnt mean that it neccessarily found a match, this has been clarified in the new version out later today.

By default if the metadata does not match the track at all then so match will be made to protect against false positives, but you can change this behaviour by modifying the settings. Go to 'Action Settings/MusicBrainz Settings and enable ‘Use Single Match Even if no Meta Dat Match’ and ‘Use best Guess Even if no Meta match’.

Re Minor Question: Not sure what you mean by ‘Fill the Screen’, what operating system are you using?