SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

2.5.0 Beta

I love the performance changes!

Running this on Windows Vista sp1

Here are a few things (is there a beta comment area, by the way, or is this the correct place to post):

  1. AutoCorrect seems to always add artwork. I’ve got the field set to never. It seems like it is during the local correction phase. I noticed that the min. for the local area is 1 file and 1 mb.

  2. I had some issue with the horiz. scroll bars showing up - needed to shut down Jaikoz and restart a couple of times.

  3. The uninstall doesn’t force the folder to be deleted even if the option is checked to do that. (part of the license issue I noted earlier).

  4. If the folder doesn’t get deleted then the trial license doesn’t get installed and Jaikoz just shuts down on startup.

  5. I think that “AutoCorrecter” should be “AutoCorrector” in English(US).

  6. The “Prefer releases that have been used by other tracks” seems to have a problem somewhere. I had several tracks that had the exact score from different albums (from the manual match screen, anyway) but the “different” album was chosen for some reason. See attached print screen.

edit: Attachment didn’t work - I’ll send it through e-mail.

I’m not sure if you want me to open up a new topic or cluster all 2.5.0 Beta issues in one topic. Anyway, I too have some problems.

  1. Jaikoz doesn’t seem to remember the settings I make. I’m on Linux and I’m getting an error about Jaikoz not being able to find the ~/Jaikoz/Prefs/settings.jai file, eventhough it’s there. I checked the permissions and I think they’re just fine (644).
  2. When I use the AutoCorrect button (I have a clean install of Jaikoz 2.5.0 Beta so the settings are default), the file counting is a bit odd. For example: I have an album with 32 songs. When it’s done with the Acoustic IDs and moves on to checking against the MusicBrainz Database, it starts at 32 Songs and continues counting 33 Songs, etc.
  3. Jaikoz isn’t able to correct file and folder names. It crashes with an error stating the original files couldn’t be found and thus not be renamed.

At this moment I’m not able to use a clean install of Jaikoz 2.5.0 Beta as I could with earlier versions. I’ve never had huge problems with Jaikoz; I’m a huge fan the application and I appreciate the work of the author. I know this is a Beta version so it’s a little buggy, but it’s not even useable for me :wink: Didn’t have this problem with the 2.4 Beta release :slight_smile:

Please tell me what log files you need so I can post them, if you want.

EDIT: I’m on ArchLinux with kernel I licensed the copy of Jaikoz before use as I did with earlier Jaikoz versions.

Hi Gringo, are you saying you can’t even start Jaikoz or not. Please send me all the files in the Prefs folder, if you can start Jaikoz you can use the Action/Create Support Files option to zip these up.

Hi dmw:

  1. The ‘Never’ applies to adding artwork from Musicbrainz. If you want to add Artwork locally either why would you run the local Artwork Analyser.
    In artwork settings its not a mimnum size but a maximum size.

  2. More information please

  3. You dont need to uninstall, you just install over the top

  4. Youre right, fixed

  5. Not entirely sure what the problem is, generally if they both have a same score , isnt either valid ? But I think the issue you are hitting is that in jaikoz 2.5.0 beta it looks in the local database at releases that are already been used for a track match and if it finds a match of over 90% it assumes a good match has been found and doesn’t bother doing a track query from the mb database.

This has two advantages.

  1. Performance is increased because less calls to mb are made
  2. It will favour a release that has already been used, so your tracks are more likley to be linked to the same mb release.

You could use Action/Empty Cache to empty the database and force Jaikoz to go to Musicbrainz for every call, although as the database gets filled up it will start looking in the local database again.

  1. I don’t want it to embed artwork into the tags. However, if I have already found the artwork and it is available as cover.jpg in the album folder then the “AutoCorrect” function (the one with the car) unconditionally puts the artwork into the tag. At least I haven’t found a way to stop it. I am not running any local artwork analyser that I know of - it must run as part of the “car” action item.

  2. Neither the before grid nor the after grid had horizontal scroll bars once. I added columns, etc. and they still didn’t show up. I did exit and get back in later and they were there. I haven’t been able to recreate getting them to not show up but I thought that I should mention it just in case.

  3. Since it was a beta I thought I’d try a clean install to see how that worked. I figured that most people would be going down the upgrade install path. Unfortunately I got caught in between. Thanks for resending the license, by the way.

[quote=dmw-01]1) I don’t want it to embed artwork into the tags. However, if I have already found the artwork and it is available as cover.jpg in the album folder then the “AutoCorrect” function (the one with the car) unconditionally puts the artwork into the tag.
The car (Auto geddit)Correct just runs a series of task that can be configured in Preferences/Manipulators/Autocorrect - just remove the ‘Local Correct Artwork’ task from the Autocorrector tasks list.

Ok, I’ll log it at a bug - I havent seen it myself either.

Youre right, I’ll log this.

I’m not having problems with the settings file anymore in Beta 2 (clean install). I’m still having the incorrect counting problem and Jaikoz still crashes during MB AutoCorrect. I’ve attached two screenshots.

EDIT: I can’t attach files to my reply. I’m getting the following error.

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.
Apache Tomcat/5.0.27

Gringo, Ive sent you a patch to try