Testing, attempt 2:
This time using SongKong 4.4 (Pro) vs. AcousticBrainz mood-plugin 0.9.2 from beaTunes with the same songs.
And the winner is…
Amount of songs found and labeled with a mood-description: SongKong
*beaTunes misses 3 out of 10. I tried several different settings, but it wont show any mood for those 3.
I should do such test with my whole collection (read 10k+) to see if there’s indeed a big difference mood-tagged/or not-wise.
The mood-descriptions resemble quite the same this time…
What I do find odd is looking at the result of track #6; Extremely calm vs. Excited, astonished.
Can I look such a song up myself to inspect their values in the AcousticBrainz db mood-wise?