SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Questions about Mood

Testing, attempt 2:
This time using SongKong 4.4 (Pro) vs. AcousticBrainz mood-plugin 0.9.2 from beaTunes with the same songs.

And the winner is…
Amount of songs found and labeled with a mood-description: SongKong
*beaTunes misses 3 out of 10. I tried several different settings, but it wont show any mood for those 3.
I should do such test with my whole collection (read 10k+) to see if there’s indeed a big difference mood-tagged/or not-wise.

The mood-descriptions resemble quite the same this time…
What I do find odd is looking at the result of track #6; Extremely calm vs. Excited, astonished.
Can I look such a song up myself to inspect their values in the AcousticBrainz db mood-wise?

You can look up the numeric values using

but it wont show the textual value since this is derived from the numeric values.

Track 6 can be looked up here, there are five different submissions with different data so I guess Beatunes is using a different submission.

It may make sense when there are multiple submissions to take the ‘average’, but SongKong doesn’t do this and I don’t think Beatunes does either currently.

Thank you!

[quote=paultaylor]You can look up the numeric values using[/quote]
This url doesnt excist though.

I’ve let SongKong run last nite; 10957 songs in total / 1981 tagged with a mood.
I’ve deleted the mood-tags and let beaTunes run today; 7257(!) tagged with a mood.

During xmas, my computer was uploading/extracting my collection with the AcousticBrainz Extractor. It took approx. 35 hours to complete;
10824 in total / 7612 feature files submitted / 3211 files had no MBID and were skipped.

Am I right to say, this is where the difference in amount of mood-tags come from? Whereas beaTunes directly tries to lookup the track in the MusicBrainz and AcousticBrainz database, and SongKong using the indirect approach using Albunack, which isnt updated yet?

[quote=snowseals]Thank you!

[quote=paultaylor]You can look up the numeric values using[/quote]
This url doesnt excist though.
Its in italics to signify that you replace mbrecordingid with the actual id as I do below.

Am I right to say, this is where the difference in amount of mood-tags come from? Whereas beaTunes directly tries to lookup the track in the MusicBrainz and AcousticBrainz database, and SongKong using the indirect approach using Albunack, which isnt updated yet?[/quote]
Yes, the problem is that MusicBrainz used to provide datadumps on a monthly basis for the new acousticbrainz data. But they have stopped doing that so now I need albunack to trawl for new acousticbrainz data or lookup acousticbrainz directly from SongKong. I’ll probably end up doing both, and it is a top priority.

I think its worth noting that Beatunes would not have found so many moods unless you hadn’t ran FixSongs on SongKong first since that meant SongKong added the mbrecordings ids to the songs making it easy for Beatunes to just lookup the mood using the mbrecordingId rather than having to find a match in the first place.

Noted 8)

Good stuff :smiley:

I let beaTunes run over a backup of my collection (11053 songs) - which never been fixed by SongKong - and mood-tagged 4465 songs :!:
So SongKong definitely helps :wink:

SongKong 4.6 can now lookup from directly when no acoustic metadata in the Albunack database. This should give much better percentage but note you still need a match to MusicBrainz, and only some MusicBrainz recordings have so far been analysed for acoustic metdata.


For the record:

  1. If music doesnt excist in MusicBrainz collection, How do I get my music-collection into MusicBrainz?
    Do I need to manually create an ID like shown here: ?

  2. If excists in MusicBrainz collection, then they also need Acoustic-fingerprint to match with AcousticBrainz.
    If excists, all good, your program will end-up with mood.

If it doesnt, I upload my collection with client-software right?


For the record:

  1. If music doesnt excist in MusicBrainz collection, How do I get my music-collection into MusicBrainz?
    Do I need to manually create an ID like shown here: ?
    Yes, if the release already exists in Discogs you can add it more easily using

Correct, I would like to add similar functionaility for submitting data from within SongKong itself but not yet done. Note you should run the acousticbrainz client after matching from SongKong so that the files metadata have MusicBrainz Ids so that the link is created between MusicBrainz/AcousticBrainz. Then run Fix Songs again to update your songs with the acoustic metadata from AcousticBrainz.